Hand sewing sucks. Or I suck and hand sewing. Who knows.

But I've started my laptop case. I didn't want to buy a full yard of black felt because I didn't want to cut it up into smaller pieces (lazy, I know.) So I sewed two pieces of black felt together. I didn't make a pattern of any kind, which is unfortunate, because after I made the orange stripe I kept fucking up, but I make it work out in the end. The colors were supposed to just make a zig-zagged rainbow, and be touching... but separating them looks okay. I sewed the button eyes on backwards because they were ridged on the outside and I wanted them to be smoother. I hand sewed the cute little 3 mouth and I'm working on putting cute little pink cheeks on him too. I need more thread, because I only have dark purple, red and light pink. Yes, I sewed the mouth, buttons and black felt without black thread. It's hardly noticeable.

And i just felt like sharing this picture. I love my job 90% of the time. They were making fun of Becki because her pony tail flippd out like a horses tail. Laycee's idea, but my work. Becki loved it, and actually kept the original d: I mean, it's no master piece, but i haven't drawing a horse in forever. RAAIIIIINBOOOOOW. I love rainbows. fuckin' love rainbows.
I practiced drawing Girl-in-the-big-box/electronicrainbow/megoboom styled dreads. as in, rainbooooow dreads. I love dreads. Esspecially the rainbow kind. But I didn't have the patientce to draw eyes, a nose, lips or the shape of a face in general. So instead I drew a bird and... well, here's the pictures:

so, here it is. The bird isn't too detailed. It's just a few sketchy lines , trying no to make it not look too shitty. I know that it could kill the whole picture if I didn't make the bird look somewhat decent.

Doing dreads in full of more tedious work than handsewing. it took about an hour and a 1/2 just to draw the outline, then the dreads, then sketch in the shading and THEN color
(I would prefer it if I had pens to color, because you can get more depth with pens than markers, but you work with what you've got. that's how artists are, right?) I can't wait til I get some art pens. But it won't be for a while. Need to save save save my $$

A blurry picture of the dreads and their minuscule details. the colors are so flat ): but again, gotta save my money. Brandon is going to make a doctors appointment about his headaches, so we're gonna be spending some money on that.

The 'finished' product. I decided not to do all the dreads, because I think it looks best with what i colored. I'm probably going to cut out the extra and glue it onto some sort of cardstock, to preserve it better.
Much <3
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