January 05, 2009

Dear Nobody,
through the complaints forum I've found this show called Secret Life of an American Teenager (or something to that extent) and the complaint was due to the main character being a preggers 15 year old.

However, this complaint is another complaint from me about how fucking skinny some girls are. Looking through the comments I realize I'm not the only one who thinks they're too fucking thin. 4 main character girls. Each of which have upper arms that are the same size or SMALLER than their elbow. WHAT? these are YOUNG actresses. Maybe not 15 like the characters they play, but defiantly under 20. It sickens me. Michelle, the ONLY naturally thin girl I know. She has upper arms larger than her elbows. Her whole BODY is model/actress material. The ONLY way your arms could get that think is with cardio is combined with exreme dieting (because cardio+healthy dieting would build muscle before their arms got that thin) NO metabolism is THAT fast.

On deviantart, a member who got away with claiming their fast metabolism later died of heart failure due to their anorexia. Fast metabolism? that means you gotta EAT MORE CALORIES. (not more veggies and fruit.)

that, and in the first 5 minutes of the show they played Girlfriend.. as in Avril Lavigne. That song doesn't fit ANY tv situation (and the ones the it does, the poppy happy music kills it)

besides that, the skirt-over-jeans looks tacky, unlike in Juno where it was quirky and cute. Maybe it's because 3 people in the hall had them. then 2 more in another shot. It's not THAT popular.

and besides that, it was an okay show. But just like when I watched the movie Speak, when people are that thin, I can't help but stare at their ridiculously stick-like arms. SICKENING.

sorry, I could go on and on about how pissed off I am about girls outlook on body image and how many guys only worsen it. blah blah. ):< faith in humanity loses 3 points. I'm gonna keep up with it this year.


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