more like this
pleasantly poofy. except I think it looks different on me cuz I don't have long hair on the bottom... not that long at least. just a little past my shoulders.
and while looking for that I found this
this one too
and she has come clip in extensions. she's not fooling anyone:
but anyways. apart from hair...
I'm reading about this new scientific theory called string theory, which could eventually prove multiple dimensions existing (besides space and time)... 11 to be exact, and all of them are tied together through mathematical equations. it's interesting, but I need a guide for dummy's cuz this is way over my head. I -really- want to learn what I can about it though. This opens up a world of possiblities in the science world involving the supernatural. I'm not talking vampires or anything, just the true enexplained phenomenon. This is the first thing I learned since school let out. And it's science and math. go figure, the two things I used to hate most (until Smith opened my eyes in astronomy. I still feel that not being able to retrieve my astronomy binder from him is the biggest mistake I've ever made. The one thing I will ALWAYS regret. ): why didn't I wait just a little longer for the people's presentation to finish? WHY!)
I think he's the teacher that's changed my life. For realz. I mean, I was a science hating/failing girl. Thought "there's no piont to it!" "who cares about science" I honsetly didn't care how things were put togther or how anything work and had no curiosity about molecules and gravity and space time. thought it was all a bunch of stupid "theorys"
He opened my eyes to just how damn fascinating science is, and in and ASTRONOMY class of all things. I thought I was signing up for looking at the dark ceiling every day memorizing made up shapes. And, since science and math walk hand in hand, I learned math in a way that actually made sense to me. Not just a bunch of equations that a math teacher trys to convince you will be useful in the future. No, we learned mathmatical equations that were used to prove things, and that are being created due to theorys. We used math as a tool, a device to learn about science. A device that actually does more than find the sqare footage of a building.
hether he needs some help with his anger and stuff and whether or not he's a bit prejudice against religion is all debatable. But he was definantly a man who could make you -want- to learn.
things are going okay. I miss brandon, but I see him for a bit every day. I'm driving incredibly well, but I'm hating it less.
much Love <3

1 comment:
scene is dead.
and string theory sounds interesting. also, i agree about mr. smith. he may have been a bit harsh, but he and mr. low made me want to know everything i could get my hands on junior year.
+ Carl Sagan = God.
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