November 16, 2008


So, by Michelle's recommendation I went on Amazon and searched from Vampire Kisses... I was about to buy, but then I saw this book called House of Glass. It looked -really- interesting, and was about a college girl I believe ( It's easier to relate to people in books where you're similar in age) so I thought "I'll get -that- one" and found a think that gave me the first 3 books of the series for a fairly cheap discounted price... so I clicked it... then I come to find out that if I added $7.03 to the order, shipping would be free ( $25 free super saver shipping) so I was like "lets find a book that's only 7.99, cuz a book that's exactly 7.03 isn't likely. Almost got Twilight, I won't lie, But it was like, 7 cents too cheap. It was a SIGN that I shouldn't get it. For real.

after a bit of searching I wasn't finding anything cheap enough, or interesting enough, so I search for 'werewolf' and came up with some random crap... Which is when I remembered that AMAZING werewolf novel I read a couple years back called Bitten, and I -knew- there were more in the series. So I searched it and found the book... $7.99 exactly. It was meant to be so I got it.

After paying, I realised that by getting that exact book, It made me eligible for the 4 for 3 book deal, meaning I got one of the books for free. So I got 4 books for $19.99... and free shipping.

Not only did that browsing and compairing get me my shopping fix, it'll give me something to do for at least a week or so.

I hope the vampire series I got it good, but if not, at least the werewolf book will have good sex scenes, I remember them from bitten :D

much love and hope <3


Michelle said...

do you mean rachel caine's house of glass? like, the morganville vampires? I've read a bit of that series and didn't really get into it. im glad you got your shopping fix! and for cheap!!

Michelle said...

i agree with your comment. everything's pretty much going great except money, which will get better soon. we have groceries now! YAY!! we bought pasta and SAUCE! can you believe it? i cant. it was so yummy!! :P

p.s. i'm attacking your vampire on facebook RIGHT NOW!!!
