September 01, 2008

My Brother

In the span of two days I have literally lost all respect that I had for my brother.

He claimed he just wanted to get to know Becki better, to find out if she was as bad of a person as I said she was, even though he knew about how she cheated on all her boyfriends, and let a guy cheat on his girlfriend with her for a long time... And When he texted her saying that he wanted to hang out with her more she said "I figured you did"... Not "I'd like to hang out with you more too" or "That would be fun" no, she just figured he wanted her, you know, cuz she's that fucking great.

Later in the day they were talking on the phone, and he put the phone down to his leg and mouthed "IT'S NOT WORTH IT! IT'S NOT WORTH IT" because he was so fucking annoyed and bored. Yet he still invited her out to our house, because he wants some action. That is the EXACT reason he gave me for having her over.

So not only is he going after someone he knows has been around and that he finds annoying... He's USING her. That's bullshit. I don't even fucking like Becki, but no girl deserves that.

When I walked into his room this morning to tell him I needed a ride to work in an hour, they were laying in his bed, his arms were around her.


I take back what I told him about hanging out with Brandon, I don't want him anywhere near my boyfriend. Brandon may need some friends, but I wanted him to have friends who would influence him positively, not encourage him to gawk at other girls and use them because they're horny.

Just because she's easy doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. She probably thinks he genuinely likes her, because even she has the sense to not be with someone who doesn't.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I don't know. Becki's let guys use her in the past. I think she's either smart enough to not get hurt again, dumb enough to let it happen again (which would be her fault), or doesn't care that it happens because she's dumb.

Or maybe I'm just saying that because she's such a stupid whore. Who knows?

Love always.