anyway. I told you I got my socks, so here's a few pictures.

from left to right, you have lime green, teal, and gold. I've only worn the Teal and the Gold ones so far, so I couldn't tell you if O Brights are different than O Basics, but these things do NOT fall down as you wear them! I wore the teal all the way up, and they stayed there even during activities that require a bit of movement and friction ;) and the gold ones were folded down to sit just below my knees and it didn't effect its hold at all, it stayed right where I put them the whole day.

here's me the first time I tried on the Teal. They don't go all the way up my thigh, but they're high enough to have the sexy look, but low enough that they don't really hit that really fatty area of my thighs, so they don't even look tight... but they are, cuz damn they stay up well. I think they're like, 15% spandex or something. nice like that. and COMFY. I wore them with converse, and even though they're a little thicker than normal socks it didn't smash my toes all up. totally worth $6 a pair!
this is a rose i made out of duct tape. I've made about 30 of them in the last few days. Also two wallets and a coin purse.
This is me in a black wig and wearing Brandon cloths. I look like Tia. I look EXACTLY like tia.... except I have better skin, and I'm prettier and my hair doesn't look gross... and I'm just in general better :P
cuz I'm not a slutty gross 12 year old.
and cuz my boyfriend is way cuter than anything she's ever had. Look at him. with his cute little beard and his tattoos and all his sweetness. Sadly, the cutest picture I have of me and him is one where I'm wearing a wig that makes me look like Tia... except I really don't in the one with Brandon. I do look 12 though. but it's cool, cuz we're so damn cute. He'd probably kill me if he knew I posted this somewhere, even if it was just on a private blog that only michelle could read.
but look at him... look at him x3 he's just too cute to not put here.
on Monday this past week we went to see Monday Night RAW, the WWE thing that takes place on monday. I've never really watched proffesional wrestling, because you know it's mostly fake... but it was still fun. Lots of guys in spandex underwear... and a lot of those big musclure guys were wearing spanex underwear with RINESTONES AND GLITTER! it was bad ass. I loved it. I'm not really into muscly guys though, so there wasn't much eye candy for me. Some girls cream themselves at the thought of them.... one guy had a nice face, and his body was AS repulsive to me as most of the wrestlers, but still I prefer a little less buffness. I mean really, do your muscles have to be THAT big for you to realise youre strong?
oh well. It was just something fun we did together.
that's all. Hope you enjoyed.
cuz I'm not a slutty gross 12 year old.

but look at him... look at him x3 he's just too cute to not put here.

oh well. It was just something fun we did together.
that's all. Hope you enjoyed.
Were there thongs involved!?!
And those stockings look gorgeous! ME WANT! x3
nothongs! D: I think my eyes would have bled. I mean, SOME of them were all muscle... but others were kinda chubby muscle guys...
for serious though, you'd never think that so many macho men would wear so many glittery things 8D
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