September 27, 2012

sigh of relief

I was freaking out about accidentally making two internet payments instead of one (the total was what I owed in back payments, but I didn't want to pay it all at once). I thought i was going to be near negative for the next 2 weeks. One of the payments didn't go through, so when my birthday rolls around I'll have money to eat, and have cake and be happy. And I have gas in my car. And I may be able to get my oil changed. My life... It's just been working.

I think I'm going to buy a few skeins of one-pound yarn and a really big crochet hook and make myself a 3 strand full size blanket. Or make it to sell. Whatever. I'll figure it out later. I originally thought about pink and white since I already have 1lb skeins of those, but I also really want a good teal blanket. Maybe made from a strand of black, a strand of blue and a strand of green. Or colors of teal and aqua and black. Or those and white. I want to try the multiple strand technique regardless.

My birthday is next Saturday. It's not that it's exciting or anything. It's not a special number of any kind. Maybe I'll bleach out my roots and finally dye my hair. :D


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