August 03, 2012

Word Count and such

So I added another thousand words to my story. Did I mention that I was writing that? No? well I am. Continuing a story from 2009 that I found on my laptop. I'm excited. I'm having ideas and crap. It's pretty new territory (recently).

Since it just came up and it's all the rage I think I'll talk about Chik-fil-a.

1) It's well within the rights of the company's owner to express his opinion.
2) It's well within the rights of the consumer to boycott them for their company's owner's opinion.
3)The company can use it's money however they see fit.
4) Anyone who financially supports something the PREVENTS any form of equality is unamerican. Period. While freedom of speech is our right, the foundation of our country is freedom and equality for EVERYONE. Not just for those we believe are equal to us. Like so many people have said, the people protesting gay marriage and gay equality will look like idiots in 40 years just like the people not wanting black people in school with the white kids. THAT is why it's not hypocritical for a "liberal" to protest chik-fil-a while simultaneously wanted the "conservatives" to NOT protest their pridefests and such.

ONE group is fighting to give someone their equality, one is fighting to keep it away from them.

Be as racist, homophobic or sexist as you want. It's your right. But don't you dare try to make someone else's life less because of YOUR opinion. THAT is what America is.


Oh, and 5) Don't assume that people who work for a corporation believe in or even KNOW what kind of shit their company does with their profits. Someone thought the fast food restaurant that I work for  didn't support gay marriage. Man, let me tell you, almost everyone in that store when you were applauding us for it BELIEVES IN GAY MARRIAGE. Sorry to burst your bubble. I don't know where you heard that bit of information from, but you're talking to the wrong people anyway. We just work there.

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