Toms are really ugly shoes. The don't appear to last long either, if you actually wear them a lot. And they aren't cheap. Maybe if you're the type to drop $100 on a pair of shoes they are, but a pair that cost me more than $20 is a little steep for my tastes (and actually, if you try, you can get decent shoes for $20. My nike's were on sale for $15, I've had them over a year and they're still in decent shape.)
Toms are, however, POPULAR.
Everyone I know who wears them calls them ugly and over priced. They all say the same thing though, "it's for a good cause!"
No. It's for your ego. When someone sees you wearing that ugly pair of shoes, they know you "helped a good cause." If you really wanted to help kids get shoes, you'd donate yours, and instead of giving $50-$100 to a company for a pair of shoes, you can give that $100 do a charity that puts ALL that money towards it's cause, and none towards giving YOU something to show off what a good person you are.
I'm being harsh. I know. Some people may just like them, and some people will always try to find a good excuse to spend their money and make themselves look good in the process. Yes, it's better to spend your money on something that benefits others, but I think it really says something about YOU when you can't do that without something in return. That $75 for those really ugly flats could have also gotten you a similar pair of flats for $10 at kmart, and the rest of your money could have still gone to giving shoes to a needy kid (except $65 gets more than one pair of shoes to more than one needy kid).
Weird how we choose to live in excess but still do things like this to feel better about it. I've bought a lot of summer clothes this year. I feel bad about it, because I've spend about $100 on clothes in the last month, however, I haven't owned a pair of shorts or a non-work tank top in the last 3 years, haven't had a DECENT one of either since I was about 13 (the ones I did have were in poor shape from band camp, as excessive sweating and sun exposure don't do well for clothes). I bought all 6 of my tops USED and ON SALE. All of my bottoms on sale. Because I don't like to waste money.
And anyone bitching about BOBS being a blatant rip off of TOMS? It's an overpriced piece of canvas attached to a rubber sole promising to give a pair of shoes to a needy kid for every shoe you buy. Why are you upset by this? YES, it's the same things as TOMS even in concept. I thought the point of TOMS was to give shoes to the needy, so why does it matter what company you do it from? oh yeah, it's about the NAME on YOUR SHOE, because you're EGOTISTICAL.
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