February 05, 2012

my understanding of how entertainment works.

I never understood or cared much for organized sports. I played some basketball in my day (and hated every moment, begging to be benched at every game), and I'll do volleyball for the hell of it with my friends, but the the whole teams and leagues and big games (*cough* Superbowl*cough*) never made much sense to me. I watch some WWE for cheap entertainment when it's on and I'm not busy, but as I sit and watch glittery men grapple and belittle one another I realize that it's nothing special it's just something to get into for the sake of getting into it.

I've been criticized to hell and back for it. I died of gleeful joy when Chris Jericho did a CLASSICALLY HIM thing in a tag team match and just walked out, leaving his team behind. I don't really expect anyone to get it, because it's just a show, but the amount of hate I get for enjoying it is almost unbearable. Why does my liking of something that I fully admit is stupid so offensive to others?

Now, the real issue obviously isn't my love of the WWE. It's the fact that So many people spent today buying into football and it's 100% okay and everything is fine and right on this day in America. People care so much about who wins and take is so personally. Every fumble and every touch down has some sort of relevance and meaning in their lives, and if you dare to question that relevance you're just not a very good person. Regardless of who wins the Superbowl our lives will all go on. While playing football is a sport, watching it is only a form of entertainment. We aren't playing football at home. We aren't on the teams and nothing we say or do actually matters in the big world of football. What those fans do is the same as what I do, except I'm not in denial about it.

By all means, go watch the game and enjoy the shit out of it. It's not my cup of tea, but it wouldn't be so popular if everyone felt the way I do... but realize that your form of entertainment is no better than someone else's. People cry over books and feel fear and anxiety when they're watching scripted tv shows (and a shit load of anger when they watch some MTV reality stuff) and that's just fine with the rest of the world.

I watch wrestling.
 It's not real.
The acting isn't always great, and the characters tend to not be very dimensional.
That's just fucking fine, because it makes my nights a little brighter.
It doesn't have to be real to be enjoyed.


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