January 27, 2012

guilt and change

Guilt tripping isn't always a purposeful act. Sometimes it's just not knowing when to shut up. If what you're saying has already been said and yet you keep repeating it knowing that it makes the person you're saying it to feel guilty you're guilt tripping. It may be "the truth" so yeah, you're being honest, but you only have to say it once. Just because the person doesn't do what you want them to doesn't mean they didn't get it, it means you need to learn to respect other's personal choices. Actually, the fact that you keep repeating something that makes them feel guilty in hopes of them changing their mind is guilt tripping in exactness. Learn to deal with not getting your way. It hurts sometimes but it's a fact of life.

Also, I hate having my opinion devalued (my counselor said disempowered. He knows how to speak feminist. I like this.) Just because my opinion isn't what you want to hear or what I may have done or thought in the past doesn't mean it's not my opinion now. People change. People learn to take control of their lives and stop letting others hold them back. So yes, my feelings may not be the same as you remember me being, perhaps that's because I value who I am over who others want me to be now.

I'm not sorry that all of this new found joy and self acceptance isn't the me you remember. 


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