"Your attitude is evidence of everything this blog is about: you are racist not because you are prejudice against blacks, but because you don’t even realize that you are and are not willing to learn to recognize that you are and that everyone and everything else is as well, whether they realize it or not. You are like white people who are nice to blacks and think it is simply because you are a nice person, when really, you are only being nice to them so you can congratulate yourself by telling yourself that were nice to them just because you are nice and that you are not racist when you really are racist and were only nice to them so you could keep believing that you aren’t."
The fuck? So, I'm only nice to black people so I can congratulate myself on how racist I'm not... That's why I'm nice to white people too, right? because I'm racist and like white people more. Couldn't possibly be that I like being nice to all people because I feel it gives you better results in life. I must be unknowingly racist. Clearly the fact that I don't see racism everywhere in everything means I'm racist.
I'm also a feminist, and whenever I think I could possibly be seeing sexism in something, I ask myself a series of questions about it and usually determine I'm just in the defensive mindset, because a girl in a movie being blond or pretty isn't sexist. To imply so would be to imply that being either of those things (born or otherwise) was wrong and I couldn't take myself seriously as a feminist if I believed that. The "you have what society considers the most desirable _______ so you're a part of the problem" attitude seems kinda shallowly thought out. You DON'T choose how you were born, and if you choose to change it then it's a freedom of their choice.
I think people are confusing white-liberal-guilt with being liberal and understanding that it's everyone's right to feel however they want (view things however they want; racist, sexist, or any other -ist) but no one else has to feel that way. Some liberal people may have lots of white-guilt baggage, however I think it's safe to say that I hate everyone fairly equally. I don't pat myself on the back every time I'm nice to a black customer at work, because I don't care what color they are as long as they know how to order their food. The only time I'm going, "GOOD JOB, SELF! You didn't murder someone," is when I'm dealing with idiots, who come in any range of color and class. (Oh wait, saying that means I'm implying that I'm "colorblind" which also makes me racist. I forgot.) I suppose I'm also racist for 'implying that I interact with black people only at work and therefor only when forced to." Right? Do I get it now? Or could it possibly be that I don't make a point to talk to anyone on a regular basis unless they show interest in talking to me first because I'm just as happy doing whatever else by myself.
a big raging racist.
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