July 05, 2011

Why I don't care

That the girl was found not guilty in the Casey Anthony trial.

Because when you pick apart shit like that, you can make anything to mean anything. There are weird people out there. You don't know how you'd act in that situation unless you've been in it, and that doesn't mean you'd know how someone else would act. A kid dying doesn't mean that you have to blame the only person currently available to put blame on. And it's difficult for me, as a reasonable person (ie, NOT someone who goes "but it was a baaaby :'( someone has to pay for this!!!1!one) I can't claim that there wasn't something mentally wrong with her that could have caused her to do something terrible like kill a child, if that's what happened.

I have a soft spot for parent's who have post traumatic stress and other various mental stressers that hinder their ability to parent properly. It happens. Is the person still to blame? Yes. Does it still pull at my heart a little to see that kind of death happen? Yes. But is it the same thing as someone plotting and murdering someone? No. Should it be handled the same way? No. Does this mean she's just a crazy murderer who will strike again? No. And will she be treated differently for the rest of her life due to this? Yes. She'll face ridicule for the rest of her life.

Mostly, I just don't care about the verdict, because people die every day. Children die every day. Death, murder, suicide. It fucking happens and it's sad but to some degree that's just life and you deal. People who bullied the gay kids until they were murdered aren't going to spend the rest of their lives in prison. It's not going to effect them for the rest of their lives. What they did means nothing. But if it's a tiny kid that dies? Oh, now it's a big deal. :\ <-- unimpressed.

Either value all human life, or none.


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