I'm rarely proud of the things I do anymore. Mostly I just feel uncreative and lack inspiration. All my efforts feel lost and lay unfinished, rubbing in the shame of my lack of accomplishment.
I dyed my hair this morning. Partially out of boredom. Partially because my hair was looking dirty with the faded copper and with how the hard water stained the blonde. I had the choice between the brown I had, and the burgundy red color. I picked the burgundy. Dye, rinse, and bam, I look amazing. It looks SO GOOD on me. I'm really happy with it. It matched my green sunglasses and looks nifty with my purple eyeliner (both the eyeliner and my hair color make my eyes look so green.)
I went shopping. Got the Gaga issue of Vanity Fair (looooooove it) got some hair things, nail polish remover and rainbow lollipop from dollar tree. Went to see my family. My cousin Nick was there. He's a flight attendant, and even when he's in layover in Indy he doesn't have time to stop by. But he was here. He's so damn funny. A smart ass, really. He had Scarlet Johansen (spelling? I don't care enough to check) one of his flights. I guess she's diiirty. Used the bathroom on the plane barefooted. And he was next to Snoop on a train while he ate fried chicken. yeah. NIFTY. I love that guy.
Then my uncle invited me to go with him when he goes to Las Vegas the week after I turn 21. WOOT. I'll have to pay for it, but he said after the flight and the room it'd only be like $500. We'll see.
THEN I dyed Brittany's hair. I was nervous. I was just winging it. I had very little idea of what I was doing, but I had a bit of an image in my head. But holy shit, I turned out AMAZING. I'm JEALOUS of her hair. SO JEALOUS. My hair looks good on me, sure, but I want awesomesauce fun colors too! (I'll have an entry for it up on my dye blog as soon as I have pics of it.) It's my first creation in a LONG time that I've been proud of.
Then I get onto my IPFW page and see the damage to my wallet. About $1800. Plus two books, $90 each new, $67 used. So less than $2000 for my first semester. And mom is getting FAFSA done for me tomorrow. So in about 4 days I'll know if I'm getting any money (hopefully I will be. ANYTHING will help. I have like $900 in the bank, but I don't want to have NOTHING left.
So yeah. For the first time in a LONG time, I'm fully and totally content. I'm HAPPY. I even went out of my boundries and worked at my brother's Wendy's with a bunch of people I didn't know. Made light conversation. It was good. And got me some $$ to make up for missing Thursday. YEEES.
1 comment:
Lol you should be proud of what you have done to my hair. ^_^ you are amazing!! :D
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