I'm enrolling/applying to IPFW.
A major in either Women's Study or Psychology
and a minor in Religious study, liguistics, journalism, visual communication and design OR the one I don't pick for a major.
:) I don't know what in my brain clicked of changed, but I really want to do this. If anything, I can transfer to IUPUI and I'm pretty sure I can do Religious study as my major there (or, a shit ton of other things I like for a minor.) Or even Ball State or IU of Bloomington. I may never ever use those things in real life, but I already love Psychology. I think Women's Study sounds really interesting (being the pseudo feminist I am) and Religious Study sounds fun, me being agnostic/pastafarian and all.
I'll get back to you all on that. I requested an application and enrollment information in the mail. I'll say so when I get it. :)
1 comment:
Nous étudions «pseudo féminité» dans ma cours français maintenant! Je suis heureux que tu vais aller à l'université. :) C'est très récompense, en particulier si tu obtenie d'argent du gouvernement! Mais, si tu prévois transférer à une autre université, je m'assurerais que tous ton crédits transfèreront, parce que parfois ils ne font pas! Bon chance!
We're studying "pseudo feminism" in my french class right now! I'm glad that you're going to school. :) It's really rewarding, especially if you get money from the government! If you're planning to transfer somewhere, I'd make sure all your credits transfer, because sometimes they don't! Good luck!
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