Six of Swords Reversed
A move into a new situation is not advisable at this time. Stop what you are doing and look around. Possible arguments will ensue as you have been ignoring a situation that's been building up. Conflicts and strife. You've been too slow at making a decision and others are ready to take the lead. Thoughtless and no regard for others' feelings.
Gee Daily Tarot, thanks for hitting the nail so perfectly on the head once again when I'm in need of guidance.
Period was supposed to start yesterday. I get the feeling that I'm gonna get it on fucking Valentine's day. >:( Fuck you, period. I hate you. I swear one of these days I'm gonna get over my fear of having strangers touch my vagina and go to Planned Parenthood and get me some FSM damned birth control. FOR FUCKING SERIOUS. Or, save my money and never have a period again (and never ever ever need birth control because it would render me unable to have a baby! :D)
Paps tests really aren't that bad and you really should get them once a year anyway. Birth Control is SERIOUSLY worth it. Sex anytime you want it, periods when they're supposed to happen, and usually only 1 dose of advil every period, if that. I thank FSM every day for giving us birth control.
nice post. thanks.
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