Picture from the last week or so, because I haven't posted any recently and I hate not having pictures in my blog. Yes.

My new haircut. CAN look like the traditional Emo cut.

Or I can part it all the way to the side and make it look like an asymmetrical cut.

Boob shot.

Bleached out my hair.

Instead of turning orange, it turned a weird light light brown/dark blond. And the red spots are yellow blond.

Yeah, I cut my face out in pictures because it makes me feel deeeeeep.

Gumball from Toys 'R Us. I had to break through the shell with my keys a few times just so I could break it into small enough pieces to put it in my mouth. It hurt my jaw just to chew on it.

The Skittles bag that me and Michelle designed a few years ago. Yeah, Thanks for stealing ideas from our Radiohazard clothing line. We haven't even gotten started and you've already hurt us.

Yeah, you even made the back in the same fucking way.

A Juku doll. Yes, like Harujuku. As in, the cutesy Japanese style. I wanted one.

The snow man Brad built
1 comment:
I know you already texted me about the skittles bag, but I'm going to comment about it anyway.
It just makes this whole thing THAT much more dramatic.
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