I need something to read.
The Women of the Otherworld has gotten boring. I liked the werewolves, not the damn witches.
The Anita Blake series has gotten boring. What the point of all this sexual tension built up in the first few books if the lady can't even write a decent sex scene? Why has sex and Anita's relationship problems taken over most of the book? I LIKED that story lines. Sure, I skimmed through to find the parts with her and the vamp, but she can't write the sex right so I NEED THE STORY BACK pleeease. (Seriously, she the sex scenes make sex... unsexy.)
THERE SHOULD BE MORE IN THE HARRY POTTER SERIES. If not, why is this not a cute little animated tv show yet? Fuck the majority of the plot for the books, I want a little irrelevant "teenagers life in school" show about HARRY, that occasionally follows other various characters, like Snape, Draco, the Weasly Twins, and Hermione. It can even suck. I will watch it.
Make Vampires go away. I miss back when the only vamp show on tv was Buffy. At least they got rid of the boring "I love you and I stalk you and I'm dark and brooooding" vampire halfway through the show. At least Spikes obsession with her makes sense, and at least Buffy wasn't some average girl who is somehow so SPECIAL that everyone must love her. She was a 3 dimensional character.
X-Men... Make the movie about Magneto. He's the only character that is TRUELY dynamic in that series (though, the real changes happen pre-movie... which is why they need to make a movie for HIM.)
Also, more Toad in the series. SERIOUSLY. I know, it's a weird obsession, but a valid one. No one keeps up with their GOOD Toad fanfictions. This dissapoints me.
I was at Barnes and Noble this weekend and didn't buy a book so I hate myself.