After feeling really taken apart. Starting to feel so overwhelmed that I couldn't take anymore of whatever it was that was pressuring my mind... Well, I was brought back down to earth :) Thank god for having a close friend again. I'm afraid of myself when I get like that, and it hasn't happened in a while.
Life is looking up, hopefully for a while.
Let's have a run down of the last 3 days.
Monday: pinched my finger in the ladder. It bled, and the ladder was dirty so it stung. Randomly stressed out day, ending with me deciding to get a head start on cleaning the oven just to get a large, long burn on my wrist from the hot oven rack. It didn't blister but it hurt like a bitch, and hurts just as badly as it heals.
Tuesday: cut my finger open on a staple that helped hold together a headset that I use almost every day. I never had problems with it before... but I'm not happy with the dumbass who made the bottoms of the staples face outwards. Then, I got to Wal-Mart and went to the bathroom just to realize the crotch of my pants were ripped. They weren't when I left the house so who knows when it happened. Luckily, it was in the spot that it probably wasn't visible (at least I hope not... if it were I'm sure someone would have told me...) but it was at least a quick fix, I had safety pins on my underwear :) I'm as prepared as a boyscout.
Wednesday: (today) woke up early for once, but with a headache so bad that I was nearly imobalized. Add to that a stomach ach that was comparable to the cramps I get on my period. FUCK THAT. Took some Excedrin, went back to sleep, felt better when I woke up but barely made it to work on time... Did I mention was 5 minutes late Monday AND Tuesday? fml.
Then I was going into that mood. Dark and empty. The people I work with don't make it any easier (jesus fucking christ I hate skanks) but thankfully I was pulled out of it. I think this week will be looking up from here on out. I even found hypo-allergenic bandaides at Walgreen's that I can use on all of my cuts and burns. and having ointments means the burn won't scar too badly. BA :D
Oh, I dyed my hair... and I missed a few spots with the black Dx and I feel like a generic psedo-rebelious middle schooler. But I'll survive. :) $2 buys some cheap black dye that will at least make it not look blond :D