Yesterday me and Brandon did our Christmas thing. He liked his gifts :3 and he got me such cute and thoughtful things. Considering his limited selection I don't think I could be happier <3 I set all the gifts he gave me on my DVD player, because it's right past the end of my bed so I can see it from anywhere. And part of the gift as a little Christmas tree that lights up with glitter inside. So I turn it on when I shut my lights out to go to bed. He's such a sweetie.
I already told you about the funny shirt and keychain that my brother and his girlfriend bought me. I love them so. And then, I get a text from Brad last night (he's my manager) saying that I better be at work the next day because he got me a present. and I was like :D OMG PRESENT? cuz I thought that the work shoes were a present (sure I was giving him a bunch of 1 liters of Pepsi in return, but still, they're expensive shoes) but serisouly... He got me a reversible Jack Skelington hoodie.
I just looked it up on the website (bad shayla.) and it's a $48 hoodie. I have an awesome manager.
Rachel, my other manager, baked Andes Mint cookies and made -sure- that I got one because I love them so much. I bought some food for Brandon, but I couldn't take it to him because I wasn't off until 4, and he closed at 5 so he couldn't take his break that late. Jacob took it over to him to make sure Brandon got to eat.
Then Brad said I could leave early, as long as someone could cover for me, and then Falicia came in and said she would. So I got to leave 20 minutes early to go see Brandon while he ws just getting off of his break, so I got some extra time with my baby. I won't get to see him tomorrow... but he's gonna call me :D he's so sweet.
Laycee is going to be coming with us to my grandparents house, which means I won't have to be alone. I mean, Jacob will be there too, but it's nice to have a girl to talk to too.
today, someone paid for the people in the car behind them even though they don't know them, as a Christmas gift. Imagine coming up to the window to find out that someone already took care of your meal. :) I feel good right now. People being all cheery and giving makes me feel WONDERFUL.
much <3
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