October 16, 2008

I realized today that I most have Frienemys. They're people I talk to often, help eachother... but in general we don't get along we aren't friends.... Read what Cosmo says about Frienemies. they make more sense than me.

Speaking of, I've reconnected with a friend. Cortemus (of Deviantart)... we have been video chatting two nights in a row now. He's cool. 23... so about Brandon's age. the way he looks kinda reminds me of pat. like, his hair color and skin tone. I forget how we met. I think he added me and justarted talking.

I'm eating. it's weird. I inherited that connected lip thing from my dad. Tia has it too. I bet Jacob does too.


much love <3

1 comment:

Michelle said...

what connected lip thing?

and, cortemus sounds like a cool guy. i never v-chat with anyone i meet online, though. D: (im so afraid of this internet + video thing, aren't i??) anyway, now i want to see a picture of him so i can compare him to pat. :D