On the other hand, I used a wet 2 dry flat iron once and it was AWEFUL. My hair was poofy and felt like straw. Dampness doesn't work wonders for my hair. Not like that. What if that's what happens?
I currently have this:

now don't get me wrong, this was a nice flat iron. The one I used before this (my first iron) was a very large and bulky conair. I don't even think they make it anymore. 2 inch plates. plain old ceramic. it didn't die or anything, it just didn't straighten my hair as well once it got damaged. I wasn't impressed with the little conair at the time, so I bought this:
The Cricket. it straightened better at the time... but then didn't work as well (they always work the best for the first week or so) so I started to use the little conair again. I've faithfully used that little conair ever since. Until it died on my cedar point trip. I was pretty sudden. Worked great the days before, then suddenly it took over 40 minutes to heat up... then the next time I used it it just didn't get hot enough to even bring my hair to a wave. That's when I got my Remington (i'd used their black ceramic iron before, borrowed from another person, and it was really nice)...
and My Remington is still in great working condition. I'm just one of those people who wants to have the best. Even if it seems like I have the best now, if there's a chance that something else might be better I want to try it. But $100? Had I had $100 during that trip to the mall with my aunt where the Asians bombarded me with their fancy flat irons, I'd have bought it right then and there, but I saw it work with my own eyes. They pulled it through my hair and it was pin straight the rest of the day. Kim did buy it, I think. I've used her iron before. It's great. It's really nice, but it doesn't work quite like the ones they used. I guess if you keep it hot all the time it'll straighten better? or maybe they always use a brand new one?
I'll just try to make friends with someone who has one.
Best wishes to my Remington. May he live a long and well fulfilled life. May no flat iron replace him.
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