May 26, 2011
a few things to get off my chest.
May 22, 2011
May 17, 2011
May 11, 2011
May 06, 2011
The Gaga Effect?
I think it’s been pretty clear as of late that my self-esteem has been a roller coaster. That’s normal though. Lately, it seems to be sending a lot more time downhill than up. (actually, I guess I’d say spending more time uphill, because going up the hill is boring and scary and you feel a little queasy looking down, but once you hit the top and start the drop it feels amazing and excited and you feel alive. )
I just feel like crap. Self conscious, worthless, like I’m not doing anything and have done nothing in the past. I pretty much can’t think of a single thing about myself that I like half of the time anymore. Lets not even get started on my appearance and how I’ve gained weight.
and yet, as I sat and listened to Judas, and watched the new music video, and then trailed off into the depths of youtube watching even more Lady Gaga… I go to the bathroom, and am shocked to look in the mirror and see the pretty face I used to believe I had. Not at all the way I did when I woke up this morning. Actually, despite the general unhappiness I feel a lot better about myself. Still terrible, but better.
The guy with the skeletal tattoo on his whole body in the Born This Way video… In Lady Gaga’s interview with Bazaar Magazine she said “he was born this way.” No, he didn’t come out of his mother’s womb like that, but it’s who he felt he was, and it was the way he was “destined” to be. I watch him in the video now, and he just seems so normal to me. This guy isn’t a guy with a body size tattoo, he’s just a person like everyone else.
In other words. I fucking feel good, despite how sick-to-stomach I feel and how stressed out I am and how fat I seem to be getting.
May 05, 2011
Finals are done and...
Café World
The café world nerd in me is so excited right now, on account of them finally allowing you to view all of the “quests” you’re on, so if it disappears from the side bar, you can now scroll to see it instead of having to complete all of the quests you have lined up.
I’m also excited that every time I type café it puts the little thing over the E.
May 04, 2011
I keep forgetting I have Live Writer. Probably one of the only useful things my laptop came with. I did end up getting Microsoft Office from the store on campus (can’t beat $20)
I’ve been drinking a diet drink. Not a dieting drink, a drink that is the diet version of the original. This is insane, because every diet thing I’ve ever had in my life has either given me a migraine from artificial sweeteners or made my stomach hurt (for FSM knows why.) But I drank a Cherry Coke Zero yesterday and was right as rain. Maybe my body has gained a tolerance for it, or maybe the Zero drinks are made differently than the diet ones (because diet still has calories, zero has none.)
I may have actually done well on my algebra final, but it’s too early to tell. My WOST final is tomorrow and it’s open notes, but I haven’t felt like going back through and writing all of the information down when I’ll probably do okay, and I have 100% on every assignment I’ve done for that class. Even if I didn’t show up I’d still pass the class.
Hopefully my grade on my algebra final is good enough to pull my grade up to a C. Doubt it, but I can always hope.
Look, I formed full thoughts into a post for the first time in a long time.
yay me.
May 02, 2011