March 30, 2011
ex bosses and ex boyfriends
March 28, 2011
My Art and my Shoes (for sale)
I’ve noticed that the more I fall behind in my Algebra class the more I draw and the BETTER my drawings get. I think that in order to feel and actually be artistic, I need to be in an academic setting and doing poorly. Overburdened by school work with all of the procrastination options in the world at my finger tips.
I need to sell my Chucks that don’t fit so I can hop on ebay and get some that do. Size 9 in Women’s, 7 in Men’s. Have a red pair, green pair, blue pair, purple pair, and grey with pink tongue and stripe on the back that are all in near perfect shape because I rarely wore them and then my feet grew. Probably looking at $25/$30 a pair. If you want them shipped, and pay shipping I’ll do that. I have paypal, and that’s all I’ll accept unless I can get the money in person. Some were bought gently used on eBay, the rest bought brand new, and besides the red ones having some smudges that’ll probably come off they’re all clean.
March 24, 2011
March 23, 2011
March 22, 2011
the blonde effect
I got my hair lightened and toned yesterday, to a very light (lighter than I’ve ever had) blonde.
It’s quite the opposite of what you’d think being a blonde would do to a person. I feel self-conscious. I feel less attractive, like I’m not naturally pretty enough to be a blonde (well, I just plain don’t feel pretty anymore. I need to start taking better care of my skin. Normally I don’t bother to care though.) But I looked in the mirror, felt unattractive and felt the need to both do my hair AND wear make-up to feel better about myself. I ate a cookie for breakfast, and now I feel like a fat ass.
Why is being the “most desired hair color” have such an opposite effect on me?
I like reds, I look ho as a red head. Sadly they look really dirty if you don’t wash your hair every day, and I fucking don’t. I do enough bad things to my hair, I don’t need to do that too. Obviously I pull off brunette, it’s my natural, I have the eyebrows for it. (speaking of, I need to pluck my. I feel unkept with them a little over grown.) and I love having bright crazy unnatural colors because they make me feel –good- for some reason.
Not blonde though. I think back in high school when I felt good as a blonde it was irrelevant because I wore make-up on a daily basis anyway and was thinner than I am now. Maybe me self esteem has just been tumbling and this is just the first it’s really hit me.
I need a new tattoo
March 18, 2011
only YOU could take a situation that makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY and make me miserable about it.
Honesty. Use it from the start for best outcome.
Also, I asked for you to be there, I asked for your help, and you told me nothing was up to you and it was all for me to do. So why are you mad that I didn’t do things YOU’RE way?
You were being a prick, you didn’t want to help and kept making bullshit excuses so don’t bitch at me if the outcome isn’t satisfactory for you.
Need to Connect
Well, I’m using wifi from a restaurant and apparently it sucks so I keep getting disconnected. That’s what Live Writer is for (and scary emoticons I guess.)
I’ve realized something about my friends from work here in Decatur. I only moved 30 minutes away. Most people drive up to where I live now at least once a week, more if they’re in college. And yet, because my residence is no longer as convenient as being across the street I no longer get invited. I don’t find out about what cool thing everyone is going to do together (sometimes even in Fort Wayne) just because it stopped being easy.
I know a lot of people will not want to be around you when things are going bad, and that those friends aren’t really friends (but hey, sometimes we just can’t deal with other people’s problems on top of our own, so sometimes I get that) but what about the people who aren’t willing to make an effort if it doesn’t appear that things will be easy? Things are gong pretty damn good as far as I’m willing to talk about, since I don’t obsess over the bad things in my life anymore, and yet people just don’t want to try.
Before I moved from 13th street to Rugg,There wasn’t a single gathering that I wasn’t invited to, whether it seemed like I’d go or not. I move across town and I’m still invited to girls night and the occasional movie. I move to the Fort and I’m not even TOLD when girl’s night is until the day before.
It’s not like we don’t all have and use facebook, we all have each other’s phone numbers and we all text.
This is me whining about how I don’t have friends and how I’m unhappy with the lack of connections I’ve made in my life (emotional connections, not business or otherwise.)
March 17, 2011
I feel really artsy today. The Question? Do I feel artsy because I dress in a Shayla-relives-her-high-school-style-but-more adult-like fashion, or did I dress this way because I felt artsy when I woke up (mostly I felt like throwing up from a migraine, so who knows what my underlying feelings were.)
I just found out my boyfriend hates my Iron Fist flats with the sailor tattoo styled anchors, birds and flowers. Can’t make people like stuff if they just don’t, but you can’t wear tennis shoes with skinny jeans without looking like the special ed kids in high school that wore leggings like they were pants (funny how that’s the fashion now, huh? Imitating the special kids because we have nothing left to pull inspiration from.)
He also doesn’t like the dark grey skinny jeans, and I usually just don’t wear them because it’s not like I don’t have other grey pants, but I was really feeling them today. They just WORK with the black and grey striped cardigan and black and white striped socks in a way that faded blue jeans and faded grey flared pants just don’t. Plus they don’t drag along the ground when I wear flats, which is flipping annoying.
Happy St. Patties day. I’m wearing no green.
March 16, 2011
Baby Gaga lawsuit
It was on the news, but I’m not so sure that it’s actually widespread information quite yet.
Some place in the UK is serving an ice cream made of breast milk. Kinda strange and I won’t be eating it anytime soon (as if I’d be in the UK?) and that’s not the issue. It’s name? Baby Gaga. I understand the name perfectly in the sense that it’s breast milk. Breast milk is for babies and babies say “gaga.” Simple enough. No REAL harm, no foul even if it is a single letter away from Lady Gaga. However, it’s the manner in which the ice cream is served that is the reason behind the issues.
No, that picture above is not Lady Gaga partaking in some Baby Gaga. It’s a server of the ice cream. If you haven’t heard, Gaga (the lady) is threatening to (or is in the process of, or has given up. Any new news on that?) sue them for basically using her to sell their product without her consent.
The creator of Gaga (the baby) is trying to claim that all is well and good because the name is clearly not copyrighted, not the same as “Lady Gaga” and has everything to do with the product. That, to me, seems like a flimsy excuse thought up pre-production in case something like this happened. The only way one could possibly claim that a name of a product so similar to the pop star with servers looking like THAT has nothing to do with Gaga would imply that said creator lived under a rock.
Mirror Mask, cone boobs (okay, Madonna started that one, whatever), full body jumpsuit, BUT with a clearly swimsuit style/no pants bodice as a part of it. Oh, and the long blonde wig with blunt cut bangs.
Mirror Mask (Poker Face video)
Funky cone boobs (except instead of implying that the shoot out whipped cream, they shoot out fireworks.)
No pants swimsuit bodice thing. Pretty much her signature look. DEFINITLY her signature look. (the bowels of google search)
long blonde wig with blunt cut bangs ( )
There’s really no point in arguing that this is blatantly using Lady Gaga, her popularity and her crazy image to sell their own product. Everything about Gaga has been done before by other people and in different ways, but to put them all together? It’s 100% her. I know life would be more convenient if you could just blatantly rip off something popular for your own personal gain, and to some degrees you CAN, but the more obvious you make it and less unique your product is in comparison to the original the more likely you are to get your ass sued.
Prime example would be Harajuku Lovers, Gwen Stefani’s brand of clothes and purfumes. A lot of people started making similar styles of clothes to them, and a lot of people started using cute little Japanese girls on their stuff, but when “Forever Love” the Forever 21 version created almost exact duplicates, with almost the same logo, they got sued. They went as far as t-shirs with patches with similar styles in the same places AND almost the exact same phrase on the back. Where “Our love is the real thing” was placed, in the same font wrote “Our style is the real thing.”
Sometimes, there’s really no reason to try to defend yourself when your clearly in the wrong, because you just end up looking like an ass hat.
March 03, 2011
We Are
Went all the way to Decatur to pick up my last Decatur check and get my AFP stuff. I can’t wait to wear my “we are the media” shirt to take my Gender, Sexuality and Pop Culture class midterm :)
Then I work 6 more hours and GET READY FOR NEW MEXICO. yay :)