I think I'm finally going to get a second job. Try to at least. I'm really hoping to get in at another Wendy's. I can't go to the ones that are owned by the same guy, since I'd still be on the same payroll as my current job, and therefor unable to log more than 40 hours a week. The Wendy's about 30 minutes out of town is owned by someone else, so if I could just get 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, I'd be set pretty well. I think it'd be about 45 hours a week. Perfect. The extra 20 hours would get me about $200 extra dollars a check.
That would get me about $1000 a month, and there are apartments where I live that would cost less than $500 a month (after you add in utilities and such) I could probably make it work.
Besides that, I've been wanting to sew again. Eeeefffff. I don't have anything set up so I can't D:< But if I get my job I'm just going to be moving out again in a few months. Why bother unpacking?
I hate 'counting my eggs before they hatch' when it comes to jobs. I may not get it. I may not get good hours. I don't know yet, and I shouldn't assume. I may have 3 years experience, and BE working at a Wendy's right now, but that doesn't guarantee anything.
God, I want a job so badly though. Another Wendy's job, that way I don't have to learn anything new, but I get new people. I'm not good in all new situations. So just meeting new people will be my new thing. Then, maybe some day I'll gain the courage to go to a whole new job :D
I saw a thing in a blog called "wordless wednesday" and I think I'll give that a try. Tomorrow, my post will be without words. If I remember to post. I'm getting my app, so hopefully I can remember.
And, hopefully I can remember how to get there. It's a town over, so I don't know. My directional ability isn't that great.
ugh. I hope I get this
June 30, 2009
June 25, 2009
I haven't blogged in days. Of done much of anything.
I got my CIDG Army issued Rucksack. I can't tell if it's real or not, it says "US" and has various things that could lead me to believe it is, but as usual, it could just be to make it look more authentic. It was $14 so it's no big either way.. (Actually, it IS huge. As in, the bag is fucking huge. I think it'll carry more than my suitcase.)
I'm going to the Offspring in a few days, after going to Al's party.
uuum. I'm going to avoid crying over MJ's death, because everyone else is doing plenty of that already (yeah, I loved him too, I'll just wait for his biographic movie to come out to talk aobut him I guess)
I'm totally in love with the heart shaped glasses thing.

The pair I tried on at Forever 21 didn't look very good on me, but I think if I got the ones that are kinda flared on the sides instead of the rounded ones (pink glitter as opposed to the other two) because I really want these.
I'm also loving the nerd glasses.
And as always, I still -really- want a pair of cateye glasses.

I feel that they're timelessly stylish. I know, I don't generally do the trendy thing. I just go with what I like, but trendy things have been so cute lately (except skinny jeans. They're a no no. Give me colored denim in boot cut you bastards.)
Going swimsuit shopping tomorrow and dreading it. I really don't understand how most of the population can be obese, and yet I'd say 89% of swimsuits are those fugly little triangle toped bikinis with the tiny bottoms that tie at the sides. 10% are ugly tankinis and one pieces (seriously, is it THAT hard to make a tankini top that isn't for girls with giganic boobs? yeah, a lot of bigger girls wear them, but we aren't all 'well endowed') then, that last 1% is the swimsuits that are cute and look good on big plus size pear shaped girls with tiny little A cups. Those suits are generally $90 a piece and not sold locally.
I'm hoping I look okay in a monokini, since I've had my eyes on one this season. I don't mind looking like I got major curves, as long as it looks somewhat balanced. If not, a tankini will have to work, even if it's hideous. I wish my corset suit still fit. I just haven't lost that kind of weight yet.
oh well.
More later
I got my CIDG Army issued Rucksack. I can't tell if it's real or not, it says "US" and has various things that could lead me to believe it is, but as usual, it could just be to make it look more authentic. It was $14 so it's no big either way.. (Actually, it IS huge. As in, the bag is fucking huge. I think it'll carry more than my suitcase.)
I'm going to the Offspring in a few days, after going to Al's party.
uuum. I'm going to avoid crying over MJ's death, because everyone else is doing plenty of that already (yeah, I loved him too, I'll just wait for his biographic movie to come out to talk aobut him I guess)
I'm totally in love with the heart shaped glasses thing.
I'm also loving the nerd glasses.
I feel that they're timelessly stylish. I know, I don't generally do the trendy thing. I just go with what I like, but trendy things have been so cute lately (except skinny jeans. They're a no no. Give me colored denim in boot cut you bastards.)
Going swimsuit shopping tomorrow and dreading it. I really don't understand how most of the population can be obese, and yet I'd say 89% of swimsuits are those fugly little triangle toped bikinis with the tiny bottoms that tie at the sides. 10% are ugly tankinis and one pieces (seriously, is it THAT hard to make a tankini top that isn't for girls with giganic boobs? yeah, a lot of bigger girls wear them, but we aren't all 'well endowed') then, that last 1% is the swimsuits that are cute and look good on big plus size pear shaped girls with tiny little A cups. Those suits are generally $90 a piece and not sold locally.
I'm hoping I look okay in a monokini, since I've had my eyes on one this season. I don't mind looking like I got major curves, as long as it looks somewhat balanced. If not, a tankini will have to work, even if it's hideous. I wish my corset suit still fit. I just haven't lost that kind of weight yet.
oh well.
More later
June 21, 2009
dread falls
It's really hot in my room, but I'm finally working on my Dread falls and I don't think mom or dad would appreciate the mess downstairs. Come to think of it, I don't know if I care. because I got my hair pulled completely out of my face, my shirt rolled up a bit, my sleeves cuffed under and my pajama pants rolled into shorty shorts. On a girl my size, that isn't pretty.
The dreads are going really well though. It's pretty easy, just time consuming. The plain solid color dreads turned out good, the candy striped one is nice and the transitional one is okay. I think I'm going to do one more candy striped one with what's left of my first jumbo black braid and then use up the pink, make a pink and green candy stripe, a pink and green transitional, then do the green and green and black.
I need scissors to trim them down at the ends. Some are pretty stringy.
I wish I had a steamer. I don't know if my flat iron is hot enough to set them properly. It looks like the transitional one is unwinding a little :(
oh well. I'm gonna get back to doing that. I want the packet of black to be used up before I leave today. I got 3 hours. lol. I hope that's enough time. I keep taking long breaks in between.
The dreads are going really well though. It's pretty easy, just time consuming. The plain solid color dreads turned out good, the candy striped one is nice and the transitional one is okay. I think I'm going to do one more candy striped one with what's left of my first jumbo black braid and then use up the pink, make a pink and green candy stripe, a pink and green transitional, then do the green and green and black.
I need scissors to trim them down at the ends. Some are pretty stringy.

oh well. I'm gonna get back to doing that. I want the packet of black to be used up before I leave today. I got 3 hours. lol. I hope that's enough time. I keep taking long breaks in between.
June 14, 2009
I just went and bought some hair for making dread falls. I hate myself a bit, for spending the money, but I've wanted to try to make them for so long, and it's something I can do while sitting on my ass at home.
I'm wanting something along the lines of:

Except I got Neon Green, Black and Yellow. Got the hair from Amphigory, where I get my hair dye.
I have the shadow of a migraine. I had one yesterday. I should be unpacking, but I just don't feel up to it. I didn't know he was going to bring so much stuff. I just wanted my desk and some boxes.
I think I'm going to at least start organizing my closet a bit more. Maybe put some things in my dresser.
I'm wanting something along the lines of:
Except I got Neon Green, Black and Yellow. Got the hair from Amphigory, where I get my hair dye.
I have the shadow of a migraine. I had one yesterday. I should be unpacking, but I just don't feel up to it. I didn't know he was going to bring so much stuff. I just wanted my desk and some boxes.
I think I'm going to at least start organizing my closet a bit more. Maybe put some things in my dresser.
June 13, 2009
Photo-edits, festivals and my weight battle
I have a headache. It's slowly going away because I took some Migraine pills.
I took Steve to work this morning, even though it meant losing my morning cuddle time with Brandon. No, we still aren't going back out. I'm single and cuddling boosts my happiness throughout the day. I'm pretty sure there are studies that prove this.
I worked in Paint.net for a while because there was nothing on t.v.
I mainly used effects that I downloaded from the site. I know it's nothing phenomenal but I haven't finished an edit in a long time. I was going to try to make my tattoo not visible, but I really don't get Paint.net sometimes. I wish I could get my old photoshop disk that I have on my desktop, which is sitting on the floor in unconnected pieces. I need to get more of my stuff home from Brandon's. My keyboard and mouse are still somewhere in his garage. I also need to get my sisters stuff out of my room so I have somewhere to put my things when I can finally unpack them.
Here's me and Brandon about to go to German Fest
It was raining and the park's lot was full so we had to walk 2 blocks to get there. I ended up staying another night at his house and I wasn't planning on it so I had to wear his shorts and my sleeping t-shirt (that's an XXL) for a whole day. D:
And, as you can see in the two pictures above, I redid my hair dye because I didn't want green and pink hair, it's still not aqua, but I can live with Teal.

That's me, sporting my side-pony-hawk. It's literally my favorite hairstyle ever, even if I look like a tard.
My headache is gone now. Some extra caffeine from Pepsi helped a bit. I'm going to see the Offspring and the Dropkick Murphy's in two weeks! then, the week after that I'm going to Warped Tour. Ribfest and Hoagland days are next weekend. Brandon may even fly with me to Seatle just to see the Amanda Palmer (if we can come up with the money.) It's going to be such and exciting and expensive summer.
I've been riding my bike about 2-3 miles a day and eating breakfast+working out a little every morning to help my metablolism. All in an effort to lose the 30 some pounds I've gained this last year. I've go high hopes, but I'm still a little discouraged by the fact that I've never lost weight in my life, I've just gone through periods of time where I didn't gain any due to efforts to be healthy. I no longer drink pop at work (I drink light lemonade, which only have 5 calories per 12 oz serving I believe) and mostly have cut it out for good. Don't even try to complain about me drinking it today, if my head hurts I'm not going to be capable of getting out of bed to work out at all.
I don't even eat as poorly as I used to. I generally stay away from the greasier foods at work and just eat chicken wraps that I use less sauce on. It's not much, but at least I'm doing a little better.
I took Steve to work this morning, even though it meant losing my morning cuddle time with Brandon. No, we still aren't going back out. I'm single and cuddling boosts my happiness throughout the day. I'm pretty sure there are studies that prove this.
I worked in Paint.net for a while because there was nothing on t.v.

Here's me and Brandon about to go to German Fest
And, as you can see in the two pictures above, I redid my hair dye because I didn't want green and pink hair, it's still not aqua, but I can live with Teal.
My headache is gone now. Some extra caffeine from Pepsi helped a bit. I'm going to see the Offspring and the Dropkick Murphy's in two weeks! then, the week after that I'm going to Warped Tour. Ribfest and Hoagland days are next weekend. Brandon may even fly with me to Seatle just to see the Amanda Palmer (if we can come up with the money.) It's going to be such and exciting and expensive summer.
I've been riding my bike about 2-3 miles a day and eating breakfast+working out a little every morning to help my metablolism. All in an effort to lose the 30 some pounds I've gained this last year. I've go high hopes, but I'm still a little discouraged by the fact that I've never lost weight in my life, I've just gone through periods of time where I didn't gain any due to efforts to be healthy. I no longer drink pop at work (I drink light lemonade, which only have 5 calories per 12 oz serving I believe) and mostly have cut it out for good. Don't even try to complain about me drinking it today, if my head hurts I'm not going to be capable of getting out of bed to work out at all.
I don't even eat as poorly as I used to. I generally stay away from the greasier foods at work and just eat chicken wraps that I use less sauce on. It's not much, but at least I'm doing a little better.
June 11, 2009
on goings.
I could just DIE of happiness and anguish!
I FOUND A BACKPACK. Not just a backpack, one that looks JUST LIKE Tank Girls. But the price when I tried to bid for it went over $15, and that's my limit, and at least for this one instance, I'm able to tell myself no.
I am however, bidding on a bitchen vintage Kodak.
I just tried to upload the photo, but no such luck. It's pretty cheap right now, so I may win it. I'll definitely post photos of me with it up here.
I got some batteries for my camera, some strawberry jelly and some bread. I can live off of this as long as they last. yum.
I also found out that there's a difference between jelly, jam, and preserves. Preserves have fruit chunks in it, jam has the seeds and some smaller fruit chunks and jelly is just straight up gel. I think I'm alone in this, but I feel like vomiting when I think I'm going to take a bite into smooth jelly and get a huge nasty chunk of soggy fruit.
Going to Germanfest tomorrow. Next week is Greekfest, then ribfest, then 3 rivers... So much summer fun.
I FOUND A BACKPACK. Not just a backpack, one that looks JUST LIKE Tank Girls. But the price when I tried to bid for it went over $15, and that's my limit, and at least for this one instance, I'm able to tell myself no.
I am however, bidding on a bitchen vintage Kodak.
I just tried to upload the photo, but no such luck. It's pretty cheap right now, so I may win it. I'll definitely post photos of me with it up here.
I got some batteries for my camera, some strawberry jelly and some bread. I can live off of this as long as they last. yum.
I also found out that there's a difference between jelly, jam, and preserves. Preserves have fruit chunks in it, jam has the seeds and some smaller fruit chunks and jelly is just straight up gel. I think I'm alone in this, but I feel like vomiting when I think I'm going to take a bite into smooth jelly and get a huge nasty chunk of soggy fruit.
Going to Germanfest tomorrow. Next week is Greekfest, then ribfest, then 3 rivers... So much summer fun.
June 09, 2009
my waistline
I've been feeling kinda shitty ever since I found out how much I weigh now. I always seem to see fat when I look in the mirror (I know, I'm pretty damn shapely for a somewhat bigger girl.)
Today at the Mall with Brandon (we went to Golden Corral, like I promised him since I got paid) I was trying to get a new belt at Nirvana (I lost one of my studded belts, the other is falling apart and my grommet on is getting worn out) and I couldn't tell if I needed a large or extra large. I was a bit too small to comfortably wear the extra large and the regular large one seemed a bit too small (I was towards the end of the notches in it.) But I ended up getting the large because I didn't want to cut the end off of the bigger one to make it fit better. And I just tried it on and I'm on the second notch from the end :D I thought I'd have to put a notch in it just to wear it.
So I feel a bit better. I've been exercising more often. I still eat awfully, but I'm getting better. Light Lemonade only, and I've been better about not eating when I'm not hungry. No weight loss yet though. I still have hope.
Got my Offspring and Dropkick Murphys tickets. And some Manic Panic hair dye because it was only $10 and I wouldn't have to pay shipping. I mean, I've given Color Fiend, Raw and Splat a chance, so I may as well give Manic Panic a try, right?
Today at the Mall with Brandon (we went to Golden Corral, like I promised him since I got paid) I was trying to get a new belt at Nirvana (I lost one of my studded belts, the other is falling apart and my grommet on is getting worn out) and I couldn't tell if I needed a large or extra large. I was a bit too small to comfortably wear the extra large and the regular large one seemed a bit too small (I was towards the end of the notches in it.) But I ended up getting the large because I didn't want to cut the end off of the bigger one to make it fit better. And I just tried it on and I'm on the second notch from the end :D I thought I'd have to put a notch in it just to wear it.
So I feel a bit better. I've been exercising more often. I still eat awfully, but I'm getting better. Light Lemonade only, and I've been better about not eating when I'm not hungry. No weight loss yet though. I still have hope.
Got my Offspring and Dropkick Murphys tickets. And some Manic Panic hair dye because it was only $10 and I wouldn't have to pay shipping. I mean, I've given Color Fiend, Raw and Splat a chance, so I may as well give Manic Panic a try, right?
June 07, 2009
How to Bleach Your Mohawk
the dye process in pictures:
1 box of bleach (I'm using born blond original)
1 old T-shirt (I've been using the same black shirt for 3 years of bleaching now)
1 old towel
if you aren't a conditioner user, as a hair bleacher you need to become one. Just go out and get some nice moisturizing conditioner. You WILL need this for the dying process. If you're in the country and want your hair to stay light (it'll turn yellow with hard water) they make some conditioner for that.
Put on that old t-shirt. You can put it over your clothes if it's big enough, but make sure your other shirts aren't sticking out anywhere as they're likely to get ruined.
Section your Mohawk to prep it for dying. I'm dying the sides of my mohawk, so I pulled it back with two different hair ties (one towards the top, one at the back) to keep it completely pulled away from the area I'm about to dye. If your hair is shorter, you can just put a 4 or 5 ties in to keep it standing up and away.
Prep your hair for dying. If you have a black mohawk like I do, you don't want to accidentally get bleach on it because it will cause it to turn orange. To prevent this you'll take a little conditioner and carefully rub it along your part line on the hair that you want to keep from getting bleached. The conditioner will fill your hair follicles and prevent the bleach from harming it. If you're really worried about it you can use Vaseline but I'm not a big fan because it's a pain to wash out.
Put on the gloves that come with your dye and mix in the powder and lightening solution as directed by the box. Begin to apply the dye to your hair. If you're bangs are virginal to hair dye or bleach you'll want to start with them and work from the ends up. However, if you're like me and you're bangs don't have much new growth you'll want to start on the sides and then do the bangs (working from the ends up, as stated before.)
Make sure all sections of your hair are fully saturated with the dye.
Monitor the progress of the bleach to make sure your hair is lightening evenly. As I watched my hair I noticed several sections that weren't lightening and had I not caught it then I would have had to reapply the bleach again after rinsing. It'd be a pain and time consuming.
Rinse. Condition. Rinse and ENJOY! If you plan on dying a wild color over it be sure to NOT condition your hair though, as it'll hinder your hairs ability to accept the dye and keep it for a long period of time. Allow to air dry and use moisturizing products before using a flat iron for at LEAST a week or two. Bleaching your hair will cause it to be very dry and it's important to help repair any damage before it's too late.
the dye process in pictures:
picture 1: my hair color pre-dying
picture 2: What I'm working for
picture 3: 10 minutes in
picture 4: 20 minutes in
picture 5: 30 minutes in (just before rinsing)
picture 6: rinsed
picture 7: bangs slightly orange as suspected
picture 7: how hair looks down; wet

I suppose I could set this up in a better fashion that makes more sense, but it's 12:30 A.M. and I want to do this tonight.

1 box of bleach (I'm using born blond original)
1 old T-shirt (I've been using the same black shirt for 3 years of bleaching now)
1 old towel
if you aren't a conditioner user, as a hair bleacher you need to become one. Just go out and get some nice moisturizing conditioner. You WILL need this for the dying process. If you're in the country and want your hair to stay light (it'll turn yellow with hard water) they make some conditioner for that.
Put on that old t-shirt. You can put it over your clothes if it's big enough, but make sure your other shirts aren't sticking out anywhere as they're likely to get ruined.
Section your Mohawk to prep it for dying. I'm dying the sides of my mohawk, so I pulled it back with two different hair ties (one towards the top, one at the back) to keep it completely pulled away from the area I'm about to dye. If your hair is shorter, you can just put a 4 or 5 ties in to keep it standing up and away.
Prep your hair for dying. If you have a black mohawk like I do, you don't want to accidentally get bleach on it because it will cause it to turn orange. To prevent this you'll take a little conditioner and carefully rub it along your part line on the hair that you want to keep from getting bleached. The conditioner will fill your hair follicles and prevent the bleach from harming it. If you're really worried about it you can use Vaseline but I'm not a big fan because it's a pain to wash out.
Put on the gloves that come with your dye and mix in the powder and lightening solution as directed by the box. Begin to apply the dye to your hair. If you're bangs are virginal to hair dye or bleach you'll want to start with them and work from the ends up. However, if you're like me and you're bangs don't have much new growth you'll want to start on the sides and then do the bangs (working from the ends up, as stated before.)
Make sure all sections of your hair are fully saturated with the dye.
Monitor the progress of the bleach to make sure your hair is lightening evenly. As I watched my hair I noticed several sections that weren't lightening and had I not caught it then I would have had to reapply the bleach again after rinsing. It'd be a pain and time consuming.
Rinse. Condition. Rinse and ENJOY! If you plan on dying a wild color over it be sure to NOT condition your hair though, as it'll hinder your hairs ability to accept the dye and keep it for a long period of time. Allow to air dry and use moisturizing products before using a flat iron for at LEAST a week or two. Bleaching your hair will cause it to be very dry and it's important to help repair any damage before it's too late.
June 06, 2009
Confessions of a Shoppaholic
I need to find a way to keep my money away from me. I ended up spending my whole check and THEN some. I don't fully recall doing it.
I box of dye here, fill up the tank there, and OH LOOK, a new issue of cosmo and an X-Men Cartoon. Anyone want to go to the movies? I'll buy!
I'm aweful. Whether the money is on my debit card, in my savings account or hidden from me I always manage to spend it.
I've even already planned where about $50 of my next check is going. Plus, I NEED to get my hair trimmed, it's full of dead and split ends and is starting to feel coarse (not to mention getting a bit too long for my liking. It hasn't been cut in at least 4 months)
I think I just need to make MORE MONEY. I realize how stupid that may sound, I work 25 hours a week (yes, I finally got my hours back) and I live at home. The only obligations I have with my money are my $50-$70 phone bill and gas for my car (oh, and did anyone else notice gas jumping up a dollar in about a week? $15 isn't even half a tank anymore, and I WAS filling up on $17)
I'm going to once again to what I can to make sure that at LEAST $100 of my check gets saved. My savings has been reduced under $300. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I don't remember spending THAT much money.
My check is likely to only be about $200. Fuck my cut hours. I'll have $100 for gas (which is almost a joke) and to put aside some for my phone bill (which is never the same price and impossible to predict)
This fucking sucks.
I'm going to try to register my business and all that shit. Maybe make a little extra cash online. HOPEFULLY.
I box of dye here, fill up the tank there, and OH LOOK, a new issue of cosmo and an X-Men Cartoon. Anyone want to go to the movies? I'll buy!
I'm aweful. Whether the money is on my debit card, in my savings account or hidden from me I always manage to spend it.
I've even already planned where about $50 of my next check is going. Plus, I NEED to get my hair trimmed, it's full of dead and split ends and is starting to feel coarse (not to mention getting a bit too long for my liking. It hasn't been cut in at least 4 months)
I think I just need to make MORE MONEY. I realize how stupid that may sound, I work 25 hours a week (yes, I finally got my hours back) and I live at home. The only obligations I have with my money are my $50-$70 phone bill and gas for my car (oh, and did anyone else notice gas jumping up a dollar in about a week? $15 isn't even half a tank anymore, and I WAS filling up on $17)
I'm going to once again to what I can to make sure that at LEAST $100 of my check gets saved. My savings has been reduced under $300. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I don't remember spending THAT much money.
My check is likely to only be about $200. Fuck my cut hours. I'll have $100 for gas (which is almost a joke) and to put aside some for my phone bill (which is never the same price and impossible to predict)
This fucking sucks.
I'm going to try to register my business and all that shit. Maybe make a little extra cash online. HOPEFULLY.
June 02, 2009
Dates and Candy
I spent quite a bit of time making candy bracelets today. Most of them are rainbow. I thought I'd put my 3 bead kits to use finally. I DO plan on dressing up and cosplaying and going to the Rave at Ikasucon this year. I'll probably use them then :D
Brandon asked me on a date. I don't know what I'm supposed to expect, because we already hang out nearly every day. I guess it's a starting effort for us to get back together? I don't know. I could spend my time trying to work out my thoughts here on my blog, but I don't feel like going over everything AGAIN. All I can say is I don't know if I'm ready to trust him, and I'm not sure I ever will.
I'm kinda hungry, but there's nothing to eat.
Brandon asked me on a date. I don't know what I'm supposed to expect, because we already hang out nearly every day. I guess it's a starting effort for us to get back together? I don't know. I could spend my time trying to work out my thoughts here on my blog, but I don't feel like going over everything AGAIN. All I can say is I don't know if I'm ready to trust him, and I'm not sure I ever will.
I'm kinda hungry, but there's nothing to eat.
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